Malem ini gw nginep di kos Angelita. si Devi perlu bertapa. hehe... gw jg perlu sih...
Makanya malem ini blajar masing2. bsok sore baru gw ksana lg. Membahas soal2 Fin. Market.
Dan malam ini saya masih saja iseng sperti kemarin. GW MOTO ANGEL! yang dalam bentuk kue dadar gulung. lucu skali. kaya bayi. hahaha... dia berikhtiar utk tidur cepat selama UTS ini. Jam 11 uda masuk slimut. walo... jeduar! nyanyi2 dia keras2. Ada kali 2 albumnya Sidney Mohede dinyanyiin ma dia. hahaha...
Mana pas nyokap nelpon td denger Angel nyanyi2. n u know what?
Nyokap: "wuaaahhh suaranya Angel bagus skali!!! Knapa dia ga ikut Idol aja?"
Gw : (ngakak) hahaha.. iya ma! jelas donk! Uda ikut Idola Cilik dia! hahaha...
(gw langsung ngasitau Angel)
Angel : (dgn logat bontangnya) iyakah? huwahahahaha..... (senyum2 ndiri. kege-eran. hihiy!)
(gw ngelanjutin obrolan lg ma nyokap. angel sibuk nyanyi lg)
Gw : "iya ma. tadi ujiannya... bla bla bla"
Nyokap: (tiba2 motong pembicaraan) "Waaaaahhhh!!!! bagus skali suaranyaa Angel!!!!"
Gw : (ngakak lepas walo agak gondok gara2 dikacangin) "huwahahaha....tuh Njel! bla bla.."
Angel : "huwahahahaha... hihihihi... seumur-umur aku belom pernah dibilang bagus suaranya!"
yak itulah sedikit berita. Hoe tman2! See?! suara Angel bagus kaleee... parah skali ya ga ada yg pnah bilang gt. gw jg bnernya mikir gtu kq Njel. srius. tp lupa mulu mo bilang ma dia. n argh gw keduluan ma nyokap! aih, parah,,, hehehe...
oke deh. lanjut blajar lg. daaa neeekkkk!!!!
GBU all...
Angel dapet ayat bagus dari Kak Albert tp dia lupa dmana. intinya:
"Dalam ketenangan, maka kamu akan memperoleh kekuatanmu.."
ga tau deh. dia cm inget doank. hehe...
tapi mantab neh buat kita2 yg lg ketar-ketir menghadapi midtest. trutama buat Dwin Cong
yg sering bgt laporan masala khawatir ma ujian Business Law tar. Smangat ya tman... U can do it!
midtest (day 2)
apauuuuu ndut!!!!!!!!!!!"
(treakannya devi manggil kponakannya... hihiy.. kaya dagang bakpau. ato tkadang kaya orang lg baca mantra. hwahaha... dia lagi telp2an ma kluarganya di Jambi. gw bikin posting aah....)
Well, hari ini ujian Intermediate Accounting. Open book. Soal 9 dengan bobot nilai beda2. Ketentuannya adalah pilih soal2 hingga mencapai poin min. 100. Manstablah. Gw ngumpulin pion 100 pas. Tmen2 pada banyak yg ngerjain 110 ato lebih. whiii...
Emang agak kurang blajar sih... tapi smoga jawabanku ga parah2 amat. Ah, pokoknya aku ga mau cocokin jawaban ma tmen! bisa strez. hehehe...
Malem ini nginep di kos Devi lg. Si Depi sakit lagi. Kasian anak itu... Dia mengidap penyakit yang sama seperti yang pernah kuidap (kesannya pnyakitnya kejam ya?hehe).
.panas pada jam2 tertentu setiap harinya.
"ich? apaan tuh?"
"ya gw juga ga tau! gw jg bingung itu apa..."
klo 3 minggu lalu pnyakit panasku itu tjadi tiap jam 12 malam (jd sharian dari pagi ampe sore badan sehat walafiat, tp pas uda mo tengah malam, kpala mule pusing2 n panas. hal ini tidak saya laporkan pada kluarga saya yg hidup di bidang kesehatan. hehe... takut direcokin macem2 obat. toh skrg uda sembuh. ga tau de jd tu sakit apa.), nah si Depi sakitnya tiap sore2 gt. Jam 7an. whii.. kasian skali anak itu.
nih gw ambil foto dia diem2 pake laptopnya dia. makanya agak ga jelas. tp mo gmana lg. ni satu2nya cara aq bisa bobo. hihihi... maap y Jira-chan (panggilan sayang gw buat Devi)... tmanmu ini lg iseng. hwahahaha....
Menginjakkan kaki pertama kali di tanah Jakarta pukul 12.44 WIB. Pjalanan ke bandara Ngurah Rai agak macet, trutama di Sunset Road. Brangkat ma ompung, masuk ke pesawat lebih dulu karena ompung dapet fasilitas kursi roda. Duduk di sbelah geulis keren dari Bandung, Onya, yg disapa ptama kali ma ompung. Thx pung! haha... Dijemput ma tulang, jalanan juga ga macet karena org2 pada sholat Jumatan. Sampe rumah, beres2 isi koper, beres2 kamar jg, mengingat meja2 tampak berantakan. Jam 3an bobo. Pasang alarm jam 5. Bangun, nyapa nantul bentar (kangen deh...), telp2an ma tman2 bntar. Mandi, makan, crita2 bntar ma Yoga (tmn skelas pas SMP) karena ada berita heboh mengenai kehidupan sala satu tman SMP kita. Jam stengah 8 jalan kaki ke rumah Angkin (salah satu pmuda greja yg gw tebengin ke kampus tiap Snen pagi), mo rapat utk Kebaktian Penyegaran Iman tgl 30 Nov tar. Gw dijadiin panitia juga ma Angkin si ktua panitia. Dasar kao pak! Ga papa de.. pngalaman... hihi. Slama rapat kerjanya ngakak mulu. Pulang jam 10. Nelpon Anjel ma Depi. Kpotong gara2 Valen, spupu gw, dateng biz maen bola. Aaaaa... kangen2an. Crita2 klo dia baru2 ini putus ma cewenya n ngapain aja liburan. Then now, here I am. OL di kamar Valen dgn TV menyala n dia bobo ga jelas. Haiz!
Sneng uda di Jkt lagi. Agak males kalo mengingat bsok gw minggat lagi dari rumah ini slama sminggu utk hidup di Kuningan. Menjalani UTS sepenuh jiwa!
In God we trust!!!
Philippians 4:13
Just a reflection in a Simple Sunny Thursday Afternoon...
Two weeks ago, God worked through someone to tell me something. It's Bowo. A freshman in campus, a brother in our community. Its 1 o'clock in the morning. Sky still dark. Bowo just stay in his room. Tryin' to sleep, maybe. Then, God told him to take the bible in the living room. God told him to pray and praise Him that time. And, Bowo did it. He started to play the guitar, sing and praise, and pray. GOD GIVE HIM SOME VISION! Those vision belongs to some of my campus friend whom in our community, too. Then, Bowo wrote those vision in paper and gave it to us to read it on the next day. We are Alfian, Angel, Aris, Edwin, Ester, and me. After read the paper, ALL OF US BE BLESSED!!!
Here is what the paper (God) said to me:
"Tegarlah selalu dalam menghadapi masalah dan andalkanlah TUHAN!"
It's in Indonesian. It told me that I have to be strong and rigid in facing problems, that if those problems come I have to rely on God and His amazing power! Then, this morning, I've got a message from one of my friend in church, Uten. He told me to read this:
Philippians 4:13
"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."
When I grew up, many things happened in my life. It distorted and shaped me. It torturing me sometimes, but now I'm getting used to it. I never thought that i'm gonna have a beautiful life like this right now. I used to think, "My future's bad", "The world's suck!", "Nobody's love me", "I'm dirty", and those kind of negative statements of a little girl whom deeply desperate for her life. I'm sick of all things around me and my soul scramin'. But, God didn't let me be that way anymore! He pick me up, he makes me knowing Him more and more. He brought me some great friend to be with, he brought me family to peace, and I do believe that He shaped me to be a beautiful unique vessel that He can use!
In this Sunny Thursday Afternoon, I fall in love once again (like I always do everyday!) with Jesus Christ. I wanna thank Him bacause He creates me (from the first time I borned to the world until I met Him one day) just simply to be "His"! Not just to be a girl whom have a great life, because for many people, my life isn't great. It's totally crack!
Now, I deeply thank Him because let that thing happen to me. It's been a part of His plan to me! I'll struggle and facing all of my life in front of me just because he strengtheneth me! He loves me so much!
I have strenght and I'm happy as I can be!!!
Go go go!!!
Labels: Reflections
12 Hours!!!!
I have a super long walking today! Hahahahaha.... The longest time ever to be outside home just for a walk! 12 hours!!!
It kinda revenge because I didn't go anywhere on those last few days. I was a good daughter whom stayed in my room all day with my books (well, i'll a a midtest next Monday, ugh..), laptop, cd player, n many camilan (especially PRINGLES! haha...). Well, I won't tell u all of my complete story. It's not a good thing to share it here. Jahahaha.... I'm just happy! Yea!
The sure thing is, I met a lot of people & stuffs whom I miss a lot. Dani, Amel, Mita, Syane, Amel's Dad & Mom, all of Bali's Road, Kimia Farma, Nasi Pedes, Krisna, Dani's Car, Amel's Home, Center Stage, Kuta Beach, Hard Rock, shopping stuffs, taking pictures, laughing a lot, hear some of my old friend secrets, Syane's sister, and many other things! Its just great!
I just really feel sorry for leaving home too long. I miss it so much and think not to go anywhere tomorrow. Maybe you'll just gonna see me starting my next chapter of Intermediate Accounting or Financial Markets & Institutions. Haih, thats okay. I have to pay all of those happiness. I fell so tired right now and have to take some rest. Huff, I'll read some pages of God's words first then pray. Just really miss n need it right now...
Labels: vacation
Old Posting
Well, baru aja liat blog gw yg lama... Baca2 old2 posting.. Whew.. There are so many times that i've been through this lots of years! I changed a lot! Dan perubahan itu bner2 ga pasti. Dari posting2 itu kliatan klo jiwa gw ga stabil. Ada masanya gw terlihat dewasa banget n bisa ngasi respon ke orang-orang sekitar bahkan ngasi saran secara alkitabiah. Eh, tapi ada masanya juga gw kekanak-kanakan abiz. Ngambek2an, bad mood sendiri, bahkan jauh dari Tuhan! Haih...
And, here I am now... The newer, fresher, happier Lady! Let's see how I will walk through those life in front of me!
Baca posting2 ini bikin terharu. Bikin kangen ma temen2 lama. Inget jalan-jalan ma sapa n ngapain aja. Inget ultah Cyndy n teropong bintangnya. Dan yang paling bikin terharu tu pas baca surat yg gw tulis utk sahabat tersayang gw. Aaah... bner2 mengharukan kalo inget bahwa seseorang yang saat itu bikin gw ampe bikin surat kaya gini skarang uda brubah!
She's totally changed! Now, she can walk through all of the problem in her life, feel proud of all things that she have, and commit her life to serve Jesus! Dan Tuhan bener2 mengangkat dia saat ini. Amsal 23:18 bner2 terjadi!
Lega banget karena berarti janji kita di surat itu bener2 tergenapi. Bahwa kita akan tumbuh jadi gadis yang tegar dan bisa mewarnai kehidupan. Kenapa? Karena Tuhan ga biarin hidup kita nyaman-nyaman aja. Tuhan biarin hal-hal menyakitkan terjadi dalam kehidupan kita berdua. Dan Tuhan menyelamatkan kita dari jurang terdalam itu untuk diangkat seperti sekarang ini. Tuhan memampukan kita untuk berdiri dengan bangga di atas nasib kita (well, I feel it that way). Dan Tuhan bikin kita makin jatuh cinta ma dia karena semua anugerahnya dalam hidup kita..
I'm proud of u sist! Although miz u a lot, we can't see and talk a lot right now. Because u have ur life there and still struggle with it. Still love u more, my best friend!
Can't wait for the time when we sees each other. Duduk berhadap-hadapan, siap menceritakan segala hal yang telah terjadi selama ini. Mari jalani hidup kita dulu sekarang ini sambil percaya waktu pertemuan itu pasti akan datang!
Go! Go! Go!
God Bless You Baby!
hohoho.... ngobrol2 ga jelas. cerita2 lage... Mengingat 3 bulan ke depan si Syane ga bisa maen2 ke kmar ini lg. hahaha...
bosen. bosen. ayo foto-foto sebelum tidur!!!
gut nait all!!!
You are not Forgotten
By : Israel and New Breed (feat Johny Lang)
Album : Deeper Level
People walking by
Very seldom they say hi
They don’t know how wonderful you are
If they only knew
all the things you’ve been through
if only they could see your heart
I hear you crying for help
Please don’t blame yourself
You are not forgotten
You are not forgotten
When it’s time to go to sleep
And try your best to keep yourself
falling apart
Hmm…There’s no need to fear
because I’m already here
And I’m the One who sees your heart
Yes I am
I hear you crying for help
Please don’t blame yourself
You are not forgotten
You are not forgotten
You are not just a face in the crowd
You are not forgotten, child
Let me whisper it loud, “I LOVE YOU.”
“Oh, I love you.”
You can hold your head up high
cause I’ll make everything alright
I’m committed to you smiling again
And eventually you’ll see people’s similarities
Everyone just needs a friend, yeah
And when they’re crying for help
You’ll be able to tell them
Please tell them for me
You are not forgotten (9X)
You are precious to me
I’m the One, I’m the One
Who sees your heart
You are not forgotten
Just remember…you are not forgotten.
You are not forgotten...
People... You all are not forgotten!
Thx be to God!
Lagi buka2 blognya Cyndy. Posting paling atasnya ttg hal ini. Keren juga ya. hehehe...
Well yes Cem! Mau bgt deh klo future husbandnya kaya giniiiii!!!!!!!!!
aku mau!!!
Si Cyndy jg nemunya sih di group di facebook. Mantablah!
Ephesians 5:25-33:
"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church. For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.' This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband."
Labels: Reflections
Mulai lagi...
Emang paling manstab klo ngetik blog tu di Bali ya?
Bawaannya kaga wara-wiri. Klo di Bali, walo pake internet rumah yang notabene LoLa. Tapi rasanya cuap-cuap tu meleber gtu aja. Hahaha...
Well, here I am. Spendin' my 1 week Idul Fitri Holiday and 1 week Reading Days Holiday in my cozy, dusty, hot room. Agak bete, mengingat tgl 13 Okt tar uda UTS dan baru bisa balik ke Jkt lg tgl 10 Okt nya. haih.. apa kata dunia? blajar ndirian deh di Bali. padahal biasanya sminggu sblum UTS tu uda beramai2 ma Anjel n Depi pemanasan n maraton blajar bsama. Sdangkan di Bali, slaen tmen2 ga ada yg balik ke Bali, jg ga ada yg bisa ditanyain klo ga ngerti.
Aku mule blajar dari awal lg. Secara klo di kelas pasti ga ngerti apa yang dicuap2in dosen (apalagi klo emang dosennya ga mantab ngajarnya), jadi 2 minggu sblum UTS, otak masi kosong melompong.
Kmaren2 sih sempet membara gara2 biz nonton Laskar Pelangi. Filmnya elegan. hehehe... Biz nonton, langsung terpanggil utk ngambil buku Int. Accounting Kieso gw yg jadi bahan helaan napas anak2 di kampus karena bodinya yg agak kekar dan gemuk. Ditambah lg dengan ingatan bahwa smester ini mata kuliah yg gw ambil agak berlebih dibanding dengan teman2 lain, walo SKS yg diambil sama. Makin panaslah jiwa raga. HIYAAAATTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!
Gw blajar deh dengan tekad bulat. whii... padahal tman2 sperjuangan gw di Jkt blom mule blajar sama skali. Aih, ada untungnya jg sih pulang ke Bali. Jadi bisa kembali ke ritual blajar gw yg lama. Duduk di meja kesayangan, blajar dengan fasilitas memadai, apalagi ditemani Tape kesangan gw yg slalu berbaik hati memutar lagu2 instrumen itou.
Masi sminggu lagi gw di Bali. Moga smangat blajar gw ga turun deh. Hayok! Ingat2 terus si Lintang yg jenius tapi ga bisa skul! hehehe...
UTS!!! Aku dataaannnggg!!!!!!!!