A David Psalm (MSG)
1-2 Long enough, God— you've ignored me long enough.
I've looked at the back of your head
long enough. Long enough
I've carried this ton of trouble,
lived with a stomach full of pain.
Long enough my arrogant enemies
have looked down their noses at me.
3-4 Take a good look at me, God, my God;
I want to look life in the eye,
So no enemy can get the best of me
or laugh when I fall on my face.
5-6 I've thrown myself headlong into your arms—
I'm celebrating your rescue.
I'm singing at the top of my lungs,
I'm so full of answered prayers.
Labels: belief , Christian , Daily Life , Prayer , Trust
Dudud Girls Reunion
Last post for tonight...
Akhirnya setelah sekian lama, bisa juga jalan-jalan bareng Angel and Devi. Selama ini susah banget nentuin waktu yang tepat. Bahkan dalam waktu-waktu ke depan pun kita belum tentu lagi ada waktu untuk jalan-jalan bertiga. Devi bakal sibuk dengan project di kantornya yang akan dimulai bulan depan. Aku dan Angel akan semakin fokus dengan skripsi kita masing-masing. Kita ngejar sidang di bulan Juli atau awal Agustus.
So... Let's thank God for today. Kita bisa jalan-jalan di Pejaten Village, makan malam di Kemiri dengan menu-menu yang luar biasa enak-enak, serta makan yogurt Sour Sally sebelum pulang.
(We're too full that I even can't easily fall asleep. That's why my post is here now. hehe)
Begitu sampai kos, Devi bahkan langsung nge-twit kata-kata yang 'kita banget'!
Here us with the yoghurt green spoon (can you see it? the green one at the bottom of the pic! hahaha) and our tired but happy "Palu Godam" faces! Woohoooooo!!!!!!!!!!
Labels: Daily Life , Friendship , happiness
Kita seringkali menyanyikan dan memperkatakan "HALELUYA"
Pengen kaya Raja Daud!!! Ga mikirin kanan-kiri. Ga liat status n jabatan diri, tapi rela dilihat kaya orang gila ma kluarga n rakyat2nya saking sneng HADIRAT TUHAN kembali ke pondoknyaaa....
(I posted it on Sunday, May 10, 2009 at 10:49 pm)
Falling in Love
Tuhan itu indah. Ia membuatku terbang ke angkasa dan menunjukkan indahnya dunia.
I am a Christian!
I ever made a blog with name "A Life for Christ"
When I made it, I really mean it. I want to share about anything that I learn and feel when I realize that my life is a gift from God.
But I closed it. As hard as I manage one blog, then it's hard for me to manage the other one.
I also realize, I don't need two identities. All is in me, here.
Following Christ is all about living for Him and sharing His unconditional love to everyone.
Now, I'll just take some of articles from the previous blog and post it again here, so you can understand clearly the perfect form of my way of thinking ang living.
Hopefully, it will bless your life, too.
God with you...
The Art of Writing
12:26:00 am
I finished it.
Finally, I finished read the blog. I read all posting in it.
It's so simple. Suddenly, I miss my blogging moment!
Selama ini terlalu banyak yang kulewatkan dan tidak kurekam dalam tulisan-tulisanku.
(Parahh bangeetttt Ladyyyy!!!!! hehehehee...)
Tapi aku baru aja abis baca satu blog, dan tahu-tahu aku udah tergampar karena mengabaikan blog ku ini. Teman-teman, ternyata hidup sebagai mahasiswa terkadang mengubah watak kita. Aku disibukkan dengan berbagai kegiatan keorganisasian dan aktivitas kuliahku. Aku kurang menghabiskan waktu untuk online. Cukup buka yang penting-penting aja. Alhasil, I used to always pass those blogging moment.
Sejauh ini sudah terlalu banyak hal terjadi yang tidak mungkin kujelaskan satu per satu hanya dalam sebuah post. Tapi mari kita ingat-ingat apa saja yang bisa kuingat selama setahun terakhir.
Opung is passed away in October 15th, 2010 at 11.00 pm. The most important person in my life is leaving. Can you imagine that?
Ah, too many things to say about her. But I can't explain it here, right now. I've wrote too much about her in my diary, and it always hurt. I just can't. Sorry guyz... Let me just give you some pictures...
Devi, Teddy, Edwin, dan Pian (4 of my 7 Dududers member) already graduated and now they are working. They're graduated on February 12nd, 2011. Devi berhasil masuk GT di Sampoerna, Teddy jadi auditor di Deloitte (aaaaaa my dream company!!!! aaaaaa), Edwin di PT. Kawan Lama, and Pian pulang ke Klaten untuk melanjutkan usaha orang tua dengan menjadi branch managernya (sungguh anak yang berbakti!). All of them are doing really good right now. Hanya saja, kita jadi makin susah ketemu. I miss those Dududers time, really!
Angel and Aris can't come. They're in Bontang on that time.
And you know what?! These four awesome friends is gonna come to our graduation! Yeay!
And now, here I am. Often staying up late at night TO WORK ON THIS THESIS! Hahahahahahaha... Ga nyangka yaaa... rasa-rasanya baru kemarin aku masuk kampus dan menjadi seorang mahasiswa. Baru kemarin rasanya disibukkan dengan berbagai tugas-tugas kuliah dan organisasi. Tau-tau sekarang malah udah mau lulus aja! Amen! Yep! Target saat ini adalah bisa mengikuti sidang skripsi sebelum tanggal 12 Agustus. Kalau bisa ya malah akhir Juli udah kelar. Can I endure it? Yes I can! Jesus with me! Nothing can I fear of! I will graduated soon, with Angel, Aris, and some other 2007 friends. SMANGAT!
Oh ya, finally, last but not least...
Well, that's all for now....
I'll try (I'm not promising) my best to posting more often...
Let all of the people in the world knowing my thoughts!
Thanks for reading this!
God with you!
Labels: Daily Life , Family , Friendship , Love , Myself